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20 February 2013
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Let’s Get Personal

20 February 2013, Comments: 0

(Previously posted Feb 2011) Bio-Individuality. I have been thinking a lot about this word and how it relates to what we eat. Before I delve into details, let me ask you a simple question: How would you feel if you are clothes shopping and the only size available is “one size fits all” and the only colors are “black or white”; there might be a very small percentage of you that are getting excited about the idea, but for the most part it would suck. Why? Because every body is different and varies in shape, size, complexion, and more. What looksContinue Reading >>

25 September 2012
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Top 10 Fashionable Fall Foods

25 September 2012, Comments: 0

Last weekend on Saturday September 22nd marked one my favorite Celestial events the Autumn Equinox. Most of know this as the end of summer and the start of fall. On Saturday we spent equal amount of time in the sunlight and darkness and moving forward the Sun begins to rise later and the nightfall earlier, hence shorter days. Although we live in a day and age where we mostly avoid the affect of this seasonal shift by simply turning on lights and putting on our Ugg boots and coats, our primal bodies are deeply connected to the path of the Sun.ManyContinue Reading >>

1 August 2012
Comments: 4

Indian Food (Paleo Style)

1 August 2012, Comments: 4

A few years ago a yoga student of mine asked if he could ask me a personal question, I said yes with hesitation not knowing what was going to come out of his mouth next. He went on to say, “I notice that all Indian people are skinny and they all eat Indian food. I have been eating Indian food from Chaat Café (chicken makhni, daal makhni, naan, etc.) for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past few weeks. It’s delicious BUT I’m gaining weight! Isn’t it supposed to be healthy?!” I waited for him to tell me he wasContinue Reading >>

13 May 2011
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The calm before the storm

13 May 2011, Comments: 0

If you haven't noticed it's been pretty quiet around the Nutritionize blog lately. There is a lot cooking in the kitchen and I look forward to sharing it all with you soon… in the meantime take a moment to enjoy the silence. You won't be hearing too much until June, and this is a good thing. With the wealth of information at our fingertips it's easy to have info overload and face minor paralysis from the contradictory findings. One site says eat meat, another says no meat, one says splenda and another says organic brown sugar, one says excercise atleast 30 mins a day and anotherContinue Reading >>