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20 March 2014
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What is wisdom?

20 March 2014, Comments: 0

Living in San Francisco it’s easy to become ignorant to how the rest of the country thinks especially when talking about topics related to the mind, body, and spirit. We are lucky to live in a spiritual mecca but it can often be sheltering as well. A few weeks ago was Wisdom Week in San Francisco. A whole week dedicated to Wisdom 2.0 activities across the Silicon Valley leading up to the largest Wisdom conference in the country. I attended Wisdom 2.0 for the first time last year in 2013, it was eye-opening. Not only did the speakers, break outContinue Reading >>

20 March 2014
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Stepping into spring… In silence

20 March 2014, Comments: 0

We’ve sprung forward with our clocks and pollen has officially taken over the air (source: my itchy eyes and scratchy throat). It can only mean one thing… Spring is here! Although seasonal shifts happen slowly over time, today’s equinox marks the first day of spring, and once again we will have equal amounts of daylight and nightfall as we move forward to longer days taking us into summer. Seasons influence everything from the food we eat, the clothes we we wear, activities we plan and even the thoughts and goals we nourish. Just like anything else, our thoughts and lifeContinue Reading >>

21 December 2013
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How to harmonize with the Winter Solstice – Instructions included!

21 December 2013, Comments: 0

Following suit of nature, animals will shed excess weight in the light and start afresh and so can we. As we move through tonight’s darkness and into tomorrows light it is an opportunity to shed, let go, forgive, and release all the burdens of this past year and step into the light… feeling a little lighter.

4 November 2013
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Mindful Mala Project

4 November 2013, Comments: 0

Mindfulness is finally getting its turn in the spotlight and rightly so, check out this latest Times article. The practice of turning inwards and working out the mind with a few minutes of silence is proving to have profound affects on the mind, body, and emotions. As with many activities, training mind in a group setting provides support and creates and energetic force field that enhances the experience. With that being said I’m excited to announce my new class and project, Mindful Mala. Mala is a sanskrit word meaning “garland” and is commonly used to describe a string of 108Continue Reading >>