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30 October 2011
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Fall is in the air

30 October 2011, Comments: 0

Even though the bay area has been experiencing some spring/summer like weather, the earth is expressing its fallness. Nutritionize strives to provide education that will optimize the way you look, feel and perform and its number one teacher is none other than nature. There is no science, equation, or research study that can beat the nature’s way, plus nature provides thousands of years of data! So what does nature say? eat with the seasons. It’s an age old tradition intrinsically followed by many cultures especially those that live off the land. If your goal is to be a modern hunterContinue Reading >>

2 February 2011
Comments: 1

Your Body Is Talking…

2 February 2011, Comments: 1

Bio-Individuality. I have been thinking a lot about this word and how it relates to what we eat. Before I delve into details, let me ask you a simple question: How would you feel if you are clothes shopping and the only size available is “one size fits all” and the only colors are “black or white”; there might be a very small percentage of you that are getting excited about the idea, but for the most part it would suck. Why? Because every body is different and varies in shape, size, complexion, and more. What looks great on one personContinue Reading >>