Back in September I was desperately looking for a local hair stylist to do an emergency color touch up for me, my only criteria was that she was VIEW POST
Be a part of the 8% who achieve their New Year’s resolutions
Welcome back, and Happy New Year! It's the tail end of January so saying Happy New Year is still acceptable. I know for many of you the 1st of the VIEW POST
5 ways to give presence
Still looking for that perfect gift for that perfect someone? You're in luck! I have the perfect gifts for you to give, your time and VIEW POST
2015 is the year I _____ !
I know we still have a month before it's officially 2015 but I'm starting early. Over the last few years I've started using December as my VIEW POST
Bliss Retreat Recap
A couple weeks ago I wrote about spending time with the Redwood trees and breathing with them. It's not my typical Saturday afternoon activity, VIEW POST