By far the number one question I get when I let someone know I'm a meditation teacher is "I know it's good for me but how do I get started?". I've VIEW POST
Full Moon Meditation
Every month the moon graces us with it powerful presence in its entirety. Have you ever noticed how you feel around this VIEW POST
Meditate anytime, anywhere
Back in September I was desperately looking for a local hair stylist to do an emergency color touch up for me, my only criteria was that she was VIEW POST
5 ways to give presence
Still looking for that perfect gift for that perfect someone? You're in luck! I have the perfect gifts for you to give, your time and VIEW POST
Gratitude Meditation
grat·i·tude ɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return VIEW POST