[I wrote this post back in 2012 and never published it. Stumbled upon it in my draft folder and thought I would put it out there. Years later and I'm VIEW POST
Spring into Vitality
The clocks have sprung forward, days are a little brighter, and new green shoots are making an appearance. Spring is inevitable, and like VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Respect
Respect By definition respect means: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Things that matter
This is one of my favorite quotes by Martin Luther King Jr., these words remind me that I have to continue speaking MY truth and sharing my VIEW POST
Land of Medicine Buddha
It's December 31st, the last day of the 2015 and officially the last day of hibernation for me. If you follow me on Facebook and Instagram then you VIEW POST