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12 January 2011
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The Challenge… Are YOU ready?

12 January 2011, Comments: 0

New Year's Eve has come and gone, how is your resolution going? If you feel a bit embarrassed because you haven't started or have already fallen off, don't be, you are not alone. Research shows that about 80% of people who make a resolution on January 1 fall off by early February. Although change is constant, we are creatures of habit and making impactful changes takes time, patience, commitment, and community. Simply joining a sports club on January 1 will not guarantee weight loss, you actually have to go. Simply buying a diet book does not mean you will eatContinue Reading >>

3 January 2011
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New Year, New You!

3 January 2011, Comments: 0

Nutritionizers, welcome to 2011! I hope you all had a very happy, safe, and satisfying holiday season. I know i did. Nachos with lots of fat, cheese, and crap. Cookies cookies cookies. Wine. Rice and veggies. More cookies. Mashed potatoes. Pancakes. Brownies. Did I say cookies? This is just a glimpse into what my holiday eating was like. Knowing all that I do about eating right I am still human and enticed by holiday treats. As I went to grab another cookie one day I thought to myself, why not… I am already on a downward spiral and packed onContinue Reading >>

27 December 2010
Comments: 1

Winter Greetings

27 December 2010, Comments: 1

Last week (December 21) was the winter solstice marking the start of winter which was welcomed with a full moon, an amazing lunar eclipse, and the longest night of the year. I love this season, even though I am not a fan of the cold, winter is a time of holiday cheer, hot cocoa, family, friends, and food! I wonder though what did the cavemen do during winter? Probably what much of nature does, hibernate and nourish. The days are short, cold, and dark and the nights long. Earlier cultures spent this time indoors or around fires eating warm nourishingContinue Reading >>

14 December 2010
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Food is a drug outside in

14 December 2010, Comments: 0

Did you know that much of our food (whole foods, herbs, spices, etc) have medicinal properties? The drugs that we have grown to depend on are often highly concentrated levels of some active agent found in food. I have been nursing a bad ankle sprain with rest and ice and adding an eastern touch of turmeric paste. Aside from adding a yellow orange tint to my purple and blue foot, turmeric acts as an anti- inflammatory and heating agent. Turmeric is found in many Indian foods and is responsible for staining your fingers when eating or cooking Indian food. It’sContinue Reading >>

1 December 2010
Comments: 4

Your taste buds are talking… are you listening?

1 December 2010, Comments: 4

My terrible sore throat and honey home remedy gone wrong resulting in a burned tongue have made me appreciate and inquire more about my lovely taste buds. With unlimited food options all around us we have the luxury to pick and choose the foods that will nourish not just our bodies but more so our taste buds. What is the sense of taste? How does it affect the food choices we make? How to treat your buds better? Taste- the ability to respond to dissolved molecules and ions called tastants In the west there are 5 basic tastes that weContinue Reading >>

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