Respect By definition respect means: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. VIEW POST
Mindful in Spring
Mindset is often overlooked when it comes to well-being, although it's been getting more attention lately. Focusing the mind on a seasonal VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Time
I've been thinking a lot about time lately, reflecting on how I've spent my time over the past years. Someone once told me that if you arrive on time VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: It’s Your Choice
Every shift begins with a choice. It means you are in control, you make the choice. Adults make on average 35,000 choices a day, that's 35,000 VIEW POST
How to start meditating
By far the number one question I get when I let someone know I'm a meditation teacher is "I know it's good for me but how do I get started?". I've VIEW POST