Recently, the "on this day" feature of Facebook became available to me, somehow I'm late to the party. It's been a joy to reflect on moments over the VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: The Only Way
"The only way around is through." said Robert Frost. As painful as it can be, in order to truly overcome anything you VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Excellence
Excellence is a choice.It really is. And the sooner we realize our power we can make the choice of excellence. Let go of the petty thoughts of whether VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra:
Are you still interested? We've made it through the first quarter of 2016. Are you still interested in your New Years resolutions? VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Time
I've been thinking a lot about time lately, reflecting on how I've spent my time over the past years. Someone once told me that if you arrive on time VIEW POST