Welcome to another Monday, are you ready to make shift happen? P.S. If you’re new to Mindshift Mondays, you can read the back VIEW POST
Mindshift Monday: Challenge Yourself, Take A Risk
Welcome to another Monday, are you ready to make shift happen? Monday's have gotten a bad rap in our modern society, associated with depression, VIEW POST
#MyndshiftMantra:listen to your inner voice, what is it saying? I can't say this enough... read books, join courses, learn all you can from leaders VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: The Only Way
"The only way around is through." said Robert Frost. As painful as it can be, in order to truly overcome anything you VIEW POST
Mindshift Mantra: Excellence
Excellence is a choice.It really is. And the sooner we realize our power we can make the choice of excellence. Let go of the petty thoughts of whether VIEW POST