Thank you for attending the webinar “Managing stress during times of uncertainty”. I hope you left our discussion with at least one actionable step to implement today. Remember – stress occurs on a spectrum, the key is to recognize where you are on the spectrum and take small simple steps to move yourself into the healthy stress zone. Awareness + Action = Resilience.
How to take action
1. Watch the webinar replay here
2. Download the Micro step Action Plan guide
3. Fill out the action plan guide – Decide what steps you will implement, how you will do them, and when they will happen
4. Post the action plan somewhere visible as reminder. This will build consistency, and cultivate resilience.
How to build awareness
Awareness happens when you slow down, stay quiet, and observe the subtle sensations of the breath and body. Use these resources below to help get you started.
Watch the meditation webinar replay here
The Stress Detox Programs
TSD is working hard to develop current and relevant programs to support mental health during these times of uncertainty. Start with these resources. Check back for updates.
Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise + Meditation Video (Free)
Udemy Stress Detox Course: Roche employees receive this course at the special discount rate of $47
5 Minute Mind Course: Build a 5 minute meditation practice in 5 days ($5)
Questions or Additional Support
If you have any questions about the material please email