Featured Writing & Mentions
Huffington Post: Press Pause: How a Dose of Mindfulness Helped Me Overcome Procrastination
Huffington Post: 3 Ways to Master the Art of Happiness in 90 Seconds or Less
Huffington Post: Befriend Your Inner Critic
Huffington Post: Meditation: I Know It’s Good for Me, but How Do I Get Started?
Huffington Post: 5 Holiday Hacks to Step Into 2016 With Grace, Ease, and Power
Huffington Post: 9 Simple Ways To Create Flow In Your Life Every Day
Huffington Post: Improve mid-year productivity with these 3 simple steps: Reflect. Release. Reset.
Rhoda Jordan.Com: Overcome your Fears ~ An Interview with Ritu Riyat
MobiHealthNews: Two Blues discuss healthy behavior change, rewards, loss aversion, and regret theory
WODSHOP: Are you drinking enough water? How water affects your wod
WODSHOP: 3 Tips to jumpstart your day
The New York Times: Yoga Rooms Offer a Quiet Break in Hectic Airports
Yahoo! Trend Watch: Drop-In Meditation Studios Provide On-Demand Zen
Lonely Planet: Five great London pop-ups to give a festive feel (without the shopping frenzy)
Three Day Rule: MediDating
Inside Workplace Wellness: Recap of the Human Resource Executive Health & Benefits Leadership Conference
Speaker Events
PIHRA Conference: 2016
mhealth + Telehealth World Congress: 2013 Panelist| Healthy Behavior Change
Human Resource Executive Health and Benefits Leadership Conference Las Vegas: 2013 Panelist |Health Games in Human Resources
MITCIO SYMPOSIUM: Business Games: Are Social Games the Next Business Revolution?
To invite Ritu Riyat to speak at your conference please contact us.
Ritu is available to lead workshops and speaking engagements on the following topics:
- Culture of Wellbeing in the workplace
- Becoming a mindful workplace
- Mindfulness Leadership Trainings
- Designing a Well Workplace
- What is Mindfulness
- Applied Yoga and Mindfulness
- Building a culture of wellbeing
- Stress Detox
- Compassion & Empathy