The morning hours have been deemed sacred time throughout centuries and across cultures. So what’s your morning routine? Do you literally jump out of bed to the sound of a blaring alarm and race against time to rush out the door (without breakfast)? Hopefully not. And if you do, then definitely read on!
What you do first thing in the morning sets the tone for your entire day which is why it’s so important. Not to mention most successful people reference their morning routines to be an integral part of the day.
My morning routines have varied over the years, so there is no one size fits all and I highly recommend experimenting to find what works for you. Here are 5 morning practices I’ve been playing with lately.
1. Morning Affirmation
What you speak and listen to in the morning plays a powerful role in what you will create. Write down an affirmation for yourself and recite it first thing in the morning, even better say it out loud.
2. Forward Bend
The spine has spent 8 hours resting and relaxing, give it time to wake up before moving around. Stand up and wiggle your toes, with your feet hip width apart bend the knees and fold forward. Hang out for 5 deep breaths and feel your spine waking up. Come out by slowly rolling your way up with the chin tucked into your chest.
3. Tongue Love
Have you ever stuck out your tongue first thing in the morning? If not, take a peek in the mirror. According to Eastern Medicine, the tongue is seen as a mirror to all the organs. Scraping the tongue first thing in the morning (before coffee and water) removes bacteria and toxins that have accumulated on the tongue. It’s also quite invigorating.
4. Drink Water
After you’ve scraped your tongue and brushed your teeth it’s time to hydrate. I can’t stress enough how important this step is. Our bodies are made up entirely of water and dehydration can cause some sticky situations. I have a 32oz bottle that I guzzle down in the morning until I feel satisfied. Somedays that means I have 16oz and other days 30oz. Bottomline drink water, your body and belly will thank you.
5. Eat Breakfast
So many people tell me they are not hungry in the morning, chances are you’ve done a great job training your body to be in a fasting state. Try eating something small for breakfast that includes “real food” that means no cereal. Try having a couple of eggs and a piece of fruit OR a green smoothie OR some combination of both.
This is not the end all list and I certainly have a few more practices in my morning routine, however these 5 are key to starting the day off right. I’ll share more about some other things I’ve been playing with in future posts.
Have a wonderful morning … and of course don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself. Share your morning routine faves to comments. this 🙂 Thanks
I also like to do 10 minutes of energizing deep-breathing.. In for a count of 4, hold for 10, breathe out for 6..
Deep breathing exercises are amazing in the morning! Way to fire up the brain.