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Inflammation – The Root of All Evil (health-wise, anyway)

Many of us associate inflammation with what happens in the picture above. A bug bites you on the arm, and that area gets inflamed. Eating certain foods causes inflammation to happen internally – at a CELLULAR level. The cells in your body literally get irritated and swell. Glutens, saturated fats, high-glycemic foods, and high-carb/low protein diets are main causes of inflammation, and unfortunately very common in today’s eating culture. Studies show that inflammation continues to be linked to a laundry list of chronic diseases. Reducing inflammation will ensure health and longevity, and even alleviate joint pain and stiffness. Here are theContinue Reading >>

Paleo Day 2

Congrats guys you have made it through day 2. The first week or so is the toughest since it requires lots of readjustment and preparation. Keep it up. Make sure you are still eating throughout the day and properly nourishing yourself, meaning eating enough food to feel comfortably full. I would also recommend that you continue to follow the zoleo guidelines on meal timings: – eat within an hour of waking up -eat every 2 to 3 hours without letting 5 or more hours pass between meals Here’s what my day 2 looked like: Breakfast: 3 eggs and a tangerineContinue Reading >>

Paleo Day 1

Many of you officially started the paleo challenge Sunday Jan 3, so we will count this as the start date. Aj and I are going to posting about how our days are going and would like to hear from you on your challenges as well. The support is going to be very important in getting through the next 29 days and sticking to the plan! Remember if you fall off, no worries, just get right back on at the next meal. Day 1 for me started strong and I managed to ignore the brownies that were staring at me fromContinue Reading >>

2010 Paleo Challenge!

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a blast ringing in 2010. Now that the holiday season is over and we have binged on all the goodies that came along with the season, it’s time to get serious. Many people make resolutions to get back in shape, run marathons, eat right, etc. These resolutions are just words until you take the first step. So to help you all out Nutritionize is sponsoring a Paleo Challenge! This challenge is open to anyone who wants to accept. Starting today make a commitment to go Paleo for the next 30 days. This isContinue Reading >>

Resolutions don’t work, COMMITMENTS do.

There’s Shaila and I totally inhaling Fraiche frozen yogurt in Palo Alto earlier today. Everything’s organic and made from scratch on premises. Everything. It’s DA BOMB, if you haven’t been there go! I just looked back at my 2009 New Year’s resolutions, and one of them was to “maintain a paleo/zone diet”. I’m happy to have honored that one; however I realize the only reason I could was because I made a commitment to living healthy. It’s the only thing that works long term. I blew it often, got back on, and repeated countless times throughout the year. Enrolling myContinue Reading >>

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